Can Airpay POS process Cheque (CHQ) and Savings (SAV) cards as well as Credit (CR) cards?

Yes, Airpay POS can process eftpos Debit (cheque and savings accounts), Visa and MasterCard Credit, as well as Amex, Diners and JCB Charge cards*.

The ability to accept eftpos CHQ & SAV transactions is a key feature that Airpay POS offers that competitors products do not. This is important for large value transactions, as eftpos CHQ & SAV are charged at a cheaper flat fee. For example, a $1,000 transaction will cost you (at the time of writing) $0.28 if processed via CHQ or SAV, or $18.60 if processed via Visa or MasterCard.


*Amex, Diners and JCB cards require you to setup direct merchant accounts with these schemes. Contact us for more information if you wish to support these card types.