Can Airpay POS process Cheque (CHQ) and Savings (SAV) cards as well as Credit (CR) cards?
August 30, 2017
|By innovation
Yes, Airpay POS can process eftpos Debit (cheque and savings accounts), Visa and MasterCard Credit, as well as Amex, Diners and JCB Charge cards*.
The ability to accept eftpos CHQ & SAV transactions is a key feature that Airpay POS offers that competitors products do not. This is important for large value transactions, as eftpos CHQ & SAV are charged at a cheaper flat fee. For example, a $1,000 transaction will cost you (at the time of writing) $0.28 if processed via CHQ or SAV, or $18.60 if processed via Visa or MasterCard.